Who are the specialists in DIA proteomics?


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Many researchers are using proteomics as could be witnessed in each year’s HUPO conference. Within them, a group of experts have specialized knowledge on proteomic technologies. Here, based on personal experiences, I nominate a selected list of specialists that are actively contributing to this field, especially in the development of DIA-MS proteomics. Scholars are included regardless of age nor title. Please note that this list is based on my research interest and far from comprehensiveness.

Founders and Pioneers

Ruedi Aebersold, ETH Zurich, aebersold[a-t]imsb.biol.ethz.ch
Mattias Mann, Max Planck Institute, mmann[a-t]biochem.mpg.de
John Yates III,The Scripps Research Institute, jyates[a-t]scripps.ed
David R Goodlett, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, goodlett[a-t]umaryland.edu

DIA-MS instrumentation

Hardware and scheme
Florian Meier (diaPASEF), Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, fmeier[a-t]biochem.mpg.de
Markus Ralser (Scanning SWATH), The Francis Crick Institute, markus.ralser[a-t]charite.de
Jesper V Olsen (FAIMS-DIA), University of Copenhagen, jesper.olsen[a-t]cpr.ku.dk
Alexander Makarov (Orbitrap), Thermo Fischer, alexander.makarov[a-t]thermofisher.com
Stefan Tenzer (MSE), Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, tenzer[a-t]uni-mainz.de

LC innovation
Joshua Coon (Direct Fusion), UW-Madison, jcoon[a-t]chem.wisc.edu
Paul Jacobs (COO of pharmafluidics), PharmaFluidics, email not found
Karl Mechtler (use of pharmafluidics), Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), Karl.mechtler[a-t]imp.ac

DIA software

Vadim demichev, The Francis Crick Institute, vadim.demichev[a-t]charite.de
Markus Ralser, The Francis Crick Institute, markus.ralser[a-t]charite.de

George Rosenberger, Columbia University, gr2578[a-t]cumc.columbia.edu
Hannes Roest, University of Toronto, hannes.rost[a-t]utoronto.ca

Lukas Reiter, Biognosys, lukas.reiter[a-t]biognosys.com

Jurgen Cox, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, cox[a-t]biochem.mpg.de

Library building
Henry Lam, HKUST, kehlam[a-t]ust.hk
Benhard Kuster, TUM, kuster[a-t]tum.de
Brian Searle, Ohio State University, brian.searle[a-t]osumc.edu

Library QC
Qing Zhong, The University of Sydney, qzhong[a-t]cmri.org.au
Phil Robinson, CMRI, probinson[a-t]cmri.com.au
Robert L Moritz, Institute for Systems Biology, robert.moritz[a-t]systemsbiology.org

Library-free approaches
Michael J MacCoss (PECAN), UW Genome Sciences, maccoss[a-t]uw.edu
William Stafford Noble (DIAmeter, etc), UW Genome Sciences, william-noble[a-t]uw.edu
Alexy Nesvizhskii (DIA-Umpire), University of Michigan, nesvi[a-t]med.umich.edu

DIA for bilogy

Structural proteomics
Kathryn Lilley (RNA binding, PPIs), University of Cambridge, ksl23[a-t]cam.ac.uk
Isabell Bludau (posdoc of Mann, coauthor of ccprofiler), Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, bludau[a-t]biochem.mpg.de
Mattias Gstaiger, ETH Zurich, matthias.gstaiger[a-t]imsb.biol.ethz.ch
Johan Malmström, Lund University, johan.malmstrom[a-t]med.lu.se

George Rosenberger (IPF), Columbia University, gr2578[a-t]cumc.columbia.edu
Judit Villen (phospho), UW Genome Sciences, jvillen[a-t]uw.edu
Jesper V Olsen (lib-free phospho detection), University of Copenhagen, jesper.olsen[a-t]cpr.ku.dk
Wenqing Shui (DeepPhospho), ShanghaiTech University, shuiwq[a-t]shanghaitech.edu.cn
Michael Lund Nielsen (SUMOylation), University of Copenhagen, michael.lund.nielsen[a-t]cpr.ku.dk
Hui Zhang, The Johns Hopkins University, huizhang[a-t]jhu.edu

DIA for single cells
Ying Zhu, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, ying.zhu[a-t]pnnl.gov
Nikolai Slavov, Northeastern University, n.slavov[a-t]northeastern.edu
Catherine Wong, Peking University, catherine_wong[a-t]bjmu.edu.cn
Ryan T Kelly, PNNL, ryan[a-t]chem.byu.edu

Yansheng Liu (protein dynamics; RNA), Yale University, yansheng.liu[a-t]yale.edu
Pierre Thibault (cell signaling), Université de Montréal, pierre.thibault[a-t]umontreal.ca
Catherine E Costello, Boston University School of Medicine, cecmsms[a-t]bu.edu
Steven Carr (proteomic technologies), Broad Institute, ude.tim.daorb[a-t]rracs
Ruijun Tian, SUSTech, tian.rj[a-t]sustc.edu.cn

DIA for diseases

Jennifer Van Eyk, Cedars-Sinai Smidt Heart Institute, jennifer.vaneyk[a-t]cshs.org
Mattias Mann, Max Planck Institute, mmann[a-t]biochem.mpg.de
Lukas Reiter, Biognosys, lukas.reiter[a-t]biognosys.com
Roger Reddel (Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres), The University of Sydney, roger.reddel[a-t]sydney.edu.au
Birgit Schilling (Aging and Neurodegenerative Diseases), USC Leonard Davis, bschilling[a-t]buckinstitute.org
Connie R Jimenez (urine proteomics), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, c.jimenez[a-t]amsterdamumc.nl
Tiannan Guo (thyroid/prostate cancer; COVID-19), Westlake University, guotiannan[a-t]westlake.edu.cn

DIA for metabolomics

Masanori Arita, The University of Tokyo, Japan. arita[a-t]k.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Zhengjiang Zhu (4D metabolomics), Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC), jiangzhu[a-t]sioc.ac.cn
Guowang Xu, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, xugw[a-t]dicp.ac.cn

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