A series of accolades, public reports, and involved activities in Year 2022.
See also: Spotlights 2024 | 2023 | before 2022.
Issued a Merit Award in Westlake Cell Program Poster Competition (20221219)

Participating in HUPO2022 (20221207)
I gave one keynote talk, presented a poster, and participated in the 3-min thesis talk contest.
More importantly, I was able to get connected with so many great minds, meet old and new friends, and relate to young scientists who share similar career paths.

Giving a keynote speech at VPAP2022 (20221025)
VPAP, Virtural Podium Asia Pacific.

Enrolled as a finalist of the HUPO Early Career Researcher 3-Minute Thesis Competition (20220907)

Origanl report; Wechat report; Sneak peek
Playing a gig at Westlake New Student Orentation Gala 2022 (20220826)

Acknowledged for science popularization by CSBMB (20220721)
CSBMB, the Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

Science popularization on Guangming Daily (20220609)

Newspaper web; Newspaper mobile
Introducing Proteomics to the Public online (20220521)
Awarded “Innovation of the year 2021” (20220123)

Awarded Dean’s Award 2021 (20220120)