A series of accolades, public reports, and involved activities in Year 2019 – 2021.
See also: Spotlights 2024 | 2023 | 2022.

Recognized as the VPAP2021 Best Presentation Award Winner (20211216)

Recognized as the winner for AOHUPO’s Best Award in Asia (20211118)

Web report

Playing as a leading actor in a college promotional MV (20211115)

Recognized for reporting Innovative Hot Topics as a HUPO volunteer (20211021)

Playing as a chorus singer in the campus theme song (20210826)

Recognized for Westlake University &Chinese Academy of Arts New Year Artwork Exhibition (20210115)

Interviewed for 2021 new year resolution (20210104)

Interviewed for a social practice in the private equity firm Yonganguofu (20200916)

Recognized for Westlake University Annual Gala 2020 (20200114)

Interviewed for 2020 new year resolution (20200101)

Awarded National Scholarship for Graduate Students (20191212)

Playing the bass in an outdoor concert (20190605)


Awarded at Westlake Academic Poster & Speech Competition 2019 (20190605)